[Books AtoZ]

Technical Information & Services

 CD-ROM Production Services
A list of resources for producing CD-ROM publications.

 Copyright Information and Attorneys

 Design & Prepress
Book designers and other prepress services.

 Editors and Writers
Companies offering editing and writing services.

 International Listings
Some interesting international resources for designing and producing books and Web pages.

 Materials for Printing & Binding

 Photographers and Artists
Sources for photography and other artwork, including stock.

 Printers & Binderies
Printers who specialize in printing books and related materials and book binding specialists.

 Printing and Manufacturing
Products for sale that are utilized in the publishing and printing industry.

 Self Publishing
Essays on different stages of self publishing, as well as links to companies offering information and production services. There are also links to self published books.

 Technical Organizations
Web pages of software, graphic arts and print production organizations.

 Type Foundries on the Web
Type is the tool and lifeblood of publishing. Find the face you need here.

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